VITAMIN Reference
Vitamins are absolutely essential for growth, maintenance, and
reproduction of the human body. They have been studied in great
depth by many biochemists. Those who work with vitamins under
clinical conditions are convinced of the undeniable benefits to the
human condition from vitamin sufficiency. However, they have found
that vitamins manufactured from synthetics are NOT always as good
as natural vitamins. Although chemically, the synthetic varieties
of vitamins are identical to the natural vitamins, the field of
activity is sometimes reversed. Natural vitamin molecular
structures rotate in a dextro-rotary motion; some sythetic
counterparts have a laevo-rotary action inside the
Vitamin A
Functions: One of the most important functions of
this vitamin, and one of particular interest in our text, is that
it maintains the health and well-being of the epithelial tissues of
the body. These are generally the tissues that line the openings,
skin, and mucous membranes. All glands and their duct systems come
under the protection of vitamin A. Since these areas come under the
protection of Vitamin A. Since these areas are the first potential
sites for bodily invasion by outside microbes, we must maintain
these sites in optimal health; Vitamin A aids in the growth and
repair of body tissues, especially bones; Proper formation and
maintenance of tooth enamel and gums are a vitamin A process;
Vitamin A prompts the secretion of gastric juices necessary for
proper digestion of proteins; Vitamin A maintains the proper health
of sex glands and the uterus; Night vision and the general
maintenance of the eye is a function of vitamin A; Vitamin A aids
in the synthesis of RNA.
Deficiency Symptoms: The eyes are obvious indicators
of vitamin A deficiency. One of the first symptoms is night
blindness; Other eye indicators of vitamin A deficiency include
dry, itchy, and inflamed eyeballs; Susceptibility to colds, flu,
bacterial and viral infections, especially of the respiratory and
urinary tract, are indicators of Vitamin A deficiency; Sinusitis
and abscesses in ears and mouth are also common symptoms, as well
as general repeated infections; Acne; Rough, dry, scaly,
prematurely aged skin; Sensitivity to light; Reproductive
Source: SelfHealth by
Steven E. Whiting
Vitamin D
Functions: Vitamin D is necessary for normal growth
of children; In its absence, bones and teeth do not calcify.
Vitamin D is essential for proper utilization of calcium and
phosphorus; Formation of RNA; Formation of certain enzymes; Helps
to maintain a stable nervous system, normal heart action, and
normal blood clotting.
Deficiency Symptoms: Rickets (bowlegs, knock-knees,
enlargement of bones); Poor growth and lack of bone development;
Osteomalacia (softening of the bones); Tetany (muscular numbness,
tingling, spasm); Thyroid problems (loss of thyroid hormones);
Arthritis; Fatigue.
Source: SelfHealth by
Steven E. Whiting
Vitamin E
Functions: Plays an important role in cellular
respiration of muscles, most especially the cardiac muscle;
Prevents peroxide formation by being an anti-oxidant; Protects all
the other fat soluble vitamins against oxidation; Reduces scar
tissue formation both internally and externally; This is why creams
and ointments containing vitamin E are especially effective;
Increases formation of new blood vessels around damaged areas;
Stimulates urine secretion, hence has a lowering effect on some
instances of blood pressure; Provides protection against poisonous
substances such as inhalants and internal by-products of
metabolism; Assists in normalizing blood viscosity; Retards muscle
degeneration; Protects and ensures permeability of the capillary
Deficiency Symptoms: First clinical sign of
deficiency is the rupturing of the red blood cells; Faulty
absorption of fat and fat soluble vitamins. Evidence shows a link
between this condition and the development of cystic fibrosis and
inflammation of the pancreas; Retarded growth in children;
Nutritional muscular dystrophy; Swelling of the cardic muscle which
can become necrotic; Women severely deficient experience frequent
miscarriages, as well as premature births; Angina pectoris;
Menstrual discomfort and PMS; In males, a reduced mobility of
spermatoza; In females, uterine degeneration, and in some cases,
Source: SelfHealth by
Steven E. Whiting
Vitamin K
Functions: Basic function of vitamin K is to act in
the formation of prothrombin, the chemical necessary in the
clotting of the blood. NOTE: Synthetic Vitamin K should never be
taken for any reason!
Deficiency Symptoms: Hypoprothrombinemia (loss of
blood's ability to clot); Internal hemorrhages, especially in the
brain, spinal cord and intestinal tract.; Subcutaneous hemorrhage;
Nosebleeds; Can be a cofactor in cellular disease and diarrhea.
Source: SelfHealth by
Steven E. Whiting
Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine)
Functions: Assists in conversion of carbohydrates to
glocuse; Necessary for growth, fertility, and lactation; Controls
and feeds nervous system; Stabilizes the appetite; Involved and
consumed in the metabolism of alcohol.
Deficiency Symptoms: Poor carbohydrate metabolism;
Mental instability, forgetfulness, fears, and confusion due to the
build up of pyruvic acid in the blood, creating an oxygen deficit;
Cardiac malfunctions - palpitations, rapid rhythm, enlarged heart,
elevated vernous pressure, and myocardial lesions; Loss of ankle
and knee reflexes; Muscular weakness progressing to atrophy;
Fatigue; Reduced or lost appetite; Inflammation of the optic
Source: SelfHealth by
Steven E. Whiting
Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin)
Functions: The respiration of cells; Aids in the
conversion of tryptophan to niacin; Critical in the metabolism of
carbohydrates, proteins and fats; Needed in the maintenance of
skin, nails, and hair; Helps the eyes in adaption to light.
Deficiency Symptoms: Shiny tongue; Eye fatigue -
burning, itching, with a sensitivity to bright lights; Capillary
congestion in the white area of the eye; Sensation of grit or
grinding sand inside eyelids; Lesions of the lips, scaling around
the nose, mouth, and ears; Oily skin; Retarded erythrocyte
formation resulting in anemia; Cataracts; Pellagra factor.
Source: SelfHealth by
Steven E. Whiting
Vitamin B-3 (Niacin or Niacinamide)
Functions: Plays the active role in the coenzymes
that provide an essential ingredient in tissue oxidations;
Necessary for the synthesis of sex hormones; Vital to the activity
of the nervous system; Improves circulation and reduces serum
Deficiency Symptoms: Pellagra - still a common
disease in modern times; Mood swings; Loss of appetite,
indigestion; Schizophrenia; Recurring headaches, especially
migraine; Canker sores, and other small ulcers; Inflammation and
irritability of mucosa linings; Insomnia.
Source: SelfHealth by
Steven E. Whiting
Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine)
Functions: Necessary for proper assimilation of
Vitamin B-12; Aids in the production of hydrochloric acid; Required
in the metabolism of many amino acids; Involved in the metabolism
of fats, especially the unsaturated fatty acids; Necessary for the
conversion of tryptophan to niacin; Helps to maintain the
sodium/potassium balance; Facilitates glycogen conversion to
glucose; Must be present for the production of antibodies and red
blood cells; Involved in proper synthesis and activity of DNA and
Deficiency Symptoms: Dermatitis; Numbness of hands
and feet; Over production of xanthurenic acid (green-colored
urine); Low blood sugar and low glucose tolerance; Cramps in the
extremities; Kidney stones; Edema; Arthritis during menopause.
Source: SelfHealth by
Steven E. Whiting
Vitamin B-12
Functions:Essential for the functioning of all cells,
with emphasis upon bone marrow, nervous tissue, and the
gastrointestinal tract; Aids in the synthesis of many other
nutrients such as choline; Plays a vital role in the formation of
nucleic acids; Because of its connection with bone marrow, it is
needed by the body in the formation of the red blood cells.
Deficiency Symptoms: The really serious lasting side
effects from B-12 deficiency can take years to develop. Soreness
and tingling of the extremities, indicating the deficiency is
affecting the nervous system; Sore tongue, weakness, loss of
weight; Brain damage over long periods similar to schizophrenia;
Shooting pains, "needles and pins" sensations; Serious apathy;
Pernicious anemia (accompanied by degeneration of the spinal cord);
Neuritis, menstrual disturbances; Mental deterioration and
Source: SelfHealth by
Steven E. Whiting
Pantothenic Acid
Functions: Pantothenic acid is necessary for the
makeup of coenzyme A. This factor is necessary during the
intermediary metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Since
this nutrient has an enhancing effect upon the adrenal glands, it
becomes an important factor during stressful conditions. This
vitamin is so closely involved with others of the B-group, that the
B-complex group of vitamins should always be taken together as a
unit. Single dosages of isolated B-vitamins can cause a rapid
deficiency in others. Once a balanced combination of all the
B-complex group is taken on a daily basis, then mega-doses of
isolated B-vitamins can be administered for specific purposes
without the fear of creating an imbalance or deficiency.
Deficiency Symptoms: Fatigue, headache, changes in
personality; Reduction in metabolic processes; Postural
Hypotension, dizziness, rapid heart beat (this is because of the
effect of the deficiency on the adrenal glands); Gastric distress,
reduction of HCL and Pepsin leading to constipation; Burning
sensation of hands and feet; Inclination toward hypoglycemia;
Involved in the metabolic breakdown leading to arthritis.
Source: SelfHealth by
Steven E. Whiting
Functions: Acting as a coenzyme, it is essential in
the making of fatty acids and in the oxidation of fatty acids as
well as the carbohydrates; Required in the formation of glycogen;
Required in the synthesis of several of the non-essential amino
acids by the body; Aids in the formation of nucleic acids.
Deficiency Symptoms: Sore tongue and dry skin;
Muscular pain; lack of energy; Insomnia; Loss of appetite; Intense
Source: SelfHealth by
Steven E. Whiting
Functions: Aids in the metabolism of fats; (It is for
this reason that lecithin has shown sometimes dramatic beneficial
results in normalizing cholesterol levels in the blood.); Part of
the chemical acetylcholine, which is essential to normal nerve
function; Protects the myelin sheaths of the nerves; Regulating
effect upon liver and gallbladder; Assists in the synthesis of
hormones such as epinephrine.
Deficiency Symptoms: Fatty degeneration of the liver;
Hemorrhaging of the kidneys; High blood pressure; Heart muscle
lesions; Atherosclerosis (the single greatest cause of the bypass
Source: SelfHealth by
Steven E. Whiting
Functions: Plays a great part in the metabolism of
fats; Acts as a growth factor; feeds cells of the brain; Aids hair
growth and prevention of thinning and baldness.
Deficiency Symptoms: Atherosclerosis; Eczema;
Source: SelfHealth by
Steven E. Whiting
Folic Acid (Folacin)
Functions: Increases appetite and stimulates HCL
production; Enhances liver functions; Necessary for synthesis of
nucleic acids; Necessary for some amino acid synthesis; Prevention
of macrocytic anemia.
Deficiency Symptoms: Macrocytic anemia (lack of
mature red blood cells, or red blood cells that are larger than
normal and contain less hemoglobin levels than normal); Smooth,
red, tongue; Poor growth, and metabolic disturbances; Graying hair;
Possible link to certain types of mental illness; Gastrointestinal
disturbances, like diarrhea; Birth deformities; cleft palate;
Toxemia of pregnancy, premature birth.
Source: SelfHealth by
Steven E. Whiting
Para-Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA)
Functions: Stimulates intestinal bacteria; Acts in
the capacity of a coenzyme in the breakdown of proteins; Assists in
the formation of blood cells, primarily red blood cells; Prevents
eczema and vitiligo which is a loss of skin pigmentation; Has been
shown beneficial in burn pain control; Helps to protect the skin
against the harmful effects of overexposure to sunlight.
Deficiency Symptoms: Sulfa drugs cause a deficiency
of PABA; Gastrointestinal disorders; Irritability and depression;
Lupus (mega-doses have shown a positive response in 80% of cases
studied); Loss of sex drive; Constipation.
Source: SelfHealth by
Steven E. Whiting
Vitamin B-13 (Orotic Acid)
This very new addition to the B-complex family is not currently
readily available in the United States. It has been used in Europe
quite extensively, however. One of its pioneer uses has been in the
treatment of multiple sclerosis. Very little is known about
absorption of this nutrient at this time. We do know that Orotic
Acid is involved in the synthesis of some other members of the
B-complex group. It is also involved in restoration of certain
Source: SelfHealth by
Steven E. Whiting
Pangamic Acid
Functions: Stimulates glands and nervous system;
Reduces or elinimates Hypoxia (an insufficient supply of oxygen in
living tissue); Protects the liver from fatty deposits; Serves as a
powerful detoxifier; Seems to increase the life span of the cell;
Regulates blood levels of steroids.
Deficiency Symptoms: Hypoxia; Premature aging;
Asthma, emphysema; Fatigue (due to poor oxygenation of cellular
tissue); Recent studies show a link to glaucoma; Heart
palpitations, possibly angina pains.
Source: SelfHealth by
Steven E. Whiting
Vitamin C
Functions: The most important function of vitamin C
in the human body is in the formation of collagen protein. Collagen
is the glue for specialized tissues that hold us together, such as
skin, cartilage, tendon, and bone; Speeds the healing of wounds;
Antihistamine action; Maintains strength in blood vessels; Fights
bacterial and viral infections. Promotes formation of hemoglobin;
Aids in absorption of iron from intestinal tract; Converts folic
acid to folinic acid; Antioxidant action, protecting many other
valuable nutrients such as thiamine, riboflavin, vitamins A and E
and patothenic acid against damage from oxidation; Diuretic action
on body cells; Aids in the metabolism of the amino acids,
phenylalanine tyrosine, and tryptophan; Helps the adrenals in the
secretion of hormones.
Deficiency Symptoms: Skin bruising; bleeding gums;
Shortness of breath; impaired digestion; Anemia; Joint pains;
Increased healing time of surface wounds; Breaks in capillary walls
resulting clots; Excessive hair loss; Scurvy.
Source: SelfHealth by
Steven E. Whiting
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