
 What is Hepatitis

 How is it Transmitted

 Long Term Prognosis

 Complications of HCV

 Liver Biopsy

 Treatment Info (Interferon, Herbal, etc)

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Useful Information for the HCV Patient
Free or low cost medical care
Useful info if you are struggling to pay for your medicine or doctor bills.

How to give yourself subcuteneous injections
Useful tips on how to give yourself shots and the best body location(s) for the injections.

Your rights and responsibilities as a patient
What you as a patient need to know when you visit your doctor. Also included are several tips on how and what kinds of questions to ask your doctor to insure optimal benefit from each office visit.

Ask a Doctor
There a number of places on the internet where you can submit a question to a doctor, usually by sending an email.

New Hepatitis C Combination Treatment Approved FDA Warns of Side Effects -- Overlooks Concerns About Pre-packaged Doses

Other Drug Use and Their Effect on the Liver

Becoming Your Own Patient Advocate

Counseling patients with hepatitis C

Safer Injection Practices for HCV Patients Who Inject Drugs

Schering-Plough buys hepatitis C drug rights

Gender difference and hepatitis C

HCV quality of life and side effects of treatment

At-Risk populations; Chronic HCV patients should receive HBV vaccine

Ten Commandments for Hepatitis Survival

CenterWatch Patient Notification Service
If you are a patient seeking information about clinical trials and would like to be notified by E-mail of future postings to this site in a particular therapeutic area, sign up here. This service protects patient confidentiality. You may also choose to use this service to be notified about drugs newly approved by the FDA in a particular therapeutic area.

How to Enroll in a Drug Study

NIH Researchers Zero In On Viral Changes That Lead to Chronic Hepatitis C

Chep, the Viral Dragon A poem (inspired by the dragon on my page) written by Rick Wallace

Counseling of patients with Viral Hepatitis

Hepatitis C presents new risks, concerns

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Update on liver disease & hepatitis issues & controversies in 1997

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