HCV in Dried Blood Spots


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TITLE: A method for the detection and confirmation of antibodies to hepatitis C virus in dried blood spots.

This study describes the development and evaluation of a cost effective test rationale for the detection of anti-HCV in dried blood spots. Samples were screened using an 'in house' IgG ELISA that incorporated the recombinant proteins c22-3, c200 and NS5. Confirmation of specific antibody to HCV was by a modification of the immunoblot RIBA 3.0. An extensive panel of well evaluated anti-HCV positive and negative samples from the UK and South Africa were used to assess the sensitivity and specificity of the two tests. One third of the anti-HCV positive samples had been typed. All anti-HCV positive samples were detected by the 'in house' screening EIA. Test/negative optical density ratios showed that more than 95% of reactive samples produced values greater than 5.0. Antibodies to HCV could be detected in a wide range of samples derived from asymptomatic and symptomatic patients and of different genotypes, with similar sensitivity. The presence of anti-HCV could be confirmed by RIBA 3.0 in samples with low reactivity but not in anti-HCV negative samples. Furthermore the immunoblot assay successfully increased specificity by screening out false reactive EIA samples that might occur in an epidemiological survey of a multi-ethnic population.

AUTHOR: Parker SP, Cubitt WD, Ades AE; SOURCE: J Virol Methods 1997 Nov;68(2):199-205

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