A Hepatitis C Patient Primer
May your Dragon sleep gently in the fight against Hepatitis C ...
Hello, and welcome to "A Hepatitis C Primer". I set up this web page as a starting point for anyone who has contracted the Hepatitis C virus (HCV), or for anyone wanting to learn more about Hep C.
Although I wasn't diagnosed with HCV until mid 1992, I believe I contracted the virus either in Nov 1977 or Jan 1980 from blood transfusions I was given during the birth of my children. So that means I have been infected at least 20+ years.
While I don't claim to know all there is to know about HCV, I have read every scrap of research I can find in my quest for knowledge about this 'silent killer' and have tried to incorporate my findings on this site.
I've tried to include a little bit of everything here on a Hepatitis C Primer and hope that all the visitors here will enjoy their stay, and find answers to some of their questions about HCV.
You'll find the latest research reports as well as some older research reports I keep on my site for those digging up background information about the disease. You'll also find my personal experiences in dealing with HCV, as well as personal stories from others who are battling the HCV "dragon".
So click on the links at the left, and read, read, read. Sit back, put your feet up, and grab a cup of "milk thistle tea". Milk thistle is the most studied and widely recognized natural liver remedy in the world. Click here to discover more about this herb's role in protecting and regenerating healthy liver cells.
If you have any questions or comments about the information contained in my page, you can send me email. For a history of this website, click here.
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This site has the Medinex Health Site Seal of Approval

and was given the Hardin MD Clean Bill of Health

as well as the Hepatitis C Virus Supporters Award for Excellence
and the Dragon Slayers Award