Cutaneous disorders and HCV

Ann Med Interne (Paris) 2000 Feb;151(1):46-52
Cutaneous disorders associated with hepatitis C virus infection.
Cordel N, Chosidow O, Frances C; Service de Medecine Interne, CHU Pitie-Salpetriere, Paris.

Since the discovery of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in 1989, many cutaneous disorders have been observed in patients suffering from chronic HCV infection.

The relationship between HCV infection and cryoglobulinemia or porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) is now clearly established, but the link between HCV and other dermatoses is still controversial.

This review of the main dermatologic disorders, directly or indirectly related to HCV infection, lead to conclude that HCV markers have to be investigated systematically in case of cryoglobulinemia, PCT or pruritus.

In other dermatologic disorders, HCV serology will be necessary only in case of risk factors for HCV infection, or presence of abnormal liver function tests.

PMID: 10761562, UI: 20224628

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